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Two other inmates, both with long dark hair and wearing form-fitting minidresses, jostle to be the next to parade down the aisle. Her infectious energy lights up the locked, windowless room filled with roughly 140 inmates.

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Laughing onlookers chant, “Work it, Yah Yah!” “Perform honey!” “Better work that runway!”Ĭatwalking on the balls of her feet as another inmate improvises syncopated beats by banging on a metal bed frame using a plastic spoon and a plastic 7-Up bottle, Yah Yah is in her element. She’s flaunting a white cotton halter-top baby-doll dress and matching white Cinderella gloves, hand-crafted for her by one of the trans women inside this infamously tough downtown L.A. Williams, a transgender inmate known on the inside as Yah Yah, glides past a hooting and hollering crowd of her fellow gay and transgender inmates, perched atop their beds for a prime view.

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With rouged lips, long hair and a strut that would give Naomi Campbell pause, Dave Williams, 47, works the 75-foot runway that stretches between crowded rows of green chipped-paint bunk beds at the L.A.

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